Call for Abstract

10th International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine Research, will be organized around the theme “New Strategies and Approaches in Molecular Cardiology”

Molecular Cardiology 2021 is comprised of 25 tracks and 44 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Molecular Cardiology 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A branch of medicine that is specific in diagnosing and treating diseases of the heart, blood vessels and the circulatory system. The heart is an important muscle organ in human body for pumping blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Medicines that are used to treat other disorders in the body have a large effect on the heart and create of various side effects. Therefore, in case reports of cardiac arrest and disease are so important and help in the planning of treatment strategies. Cardiology online conferences plays an important role for all people to be aware of the various important part of the human body and the Heart.


Sports cardiology is a newly discovered field that includes the care of athletes and active people with cardiovascular conditions either known or previously unknown. It have many aspects of heart disease like electrophysiology, structured heart disease and exercise. For example, the general cardiovascular system must have physicians with experience in these areas. The cardiovascular team must add on people with experience in children’s heart, like congenital heart disease and genetics, cardiologists, electro physiologists, heart failure specialists and exercise specialists. Experts should come together to have a thorough evaluation of the athletes' recommendations. The cardiovascular team will help create informed decisions to allow athletes to participate in sport safely and appropriately.


With the growth of cardiac imaging and development of new imaging technologies and techniques, there is a huge need for cardiac imagers used in multiple imaging modalities. While there is a shortage of existing cardiac imagers with expertise in multiple modalities, and current training programs often lack pathways to adequately train upcoming cardiac imagers in more than a modality.

The Task Force on Multimodality Imaging was confirmed by the ECU Association of Cardiovascular Imaging to seek out a consensus on developing, promoting, and implementing multimodality imaging to enhance patient care. This group identified core principles in imaging training and imaging modality selection.


  • Track 3-1Echocardiography
  • Track 3-2Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Track 3-3Computer Assisted Tomography
  • Track 3-4Positron Emission Tomography

Pregnancy increases the risk of new-onset SVT. This is more risky for pregnant patients who also have Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. In the absence of structural heart disease, AF and atrial flutter are not commonly found during pregnancy. Non-sustained ventricular arrhythmias causes in up to 50% of pregnant women, but the clinical risk of sustained ventricular arrhythmia in absence of structural heart disease is low.


  • Track 4-1Congenital heart defects

Non-invasive cardiology detects heart problems without using any kind of fluids, needles or other instruments which are inserted into the body. Nuclear cardiology is a non-invasive study of cardiovascular abnormalities by the help of various kinds of imaging which uses radioactive elements. Echocardiograph is the use of ultrasound waves to form images of the heart and nearby structures to find out how good the heart pumps blood, infections, and structural abnormalities. Cardiac electrophysiology is the study in which electrical currents shows generation of heartbeats.


Along with coronavirus many other respiratory infections caused by viruses like influenza, SARS, MERS etc. can badly affect the cardiovascular diseases, which can be a cause of development of new heart diseases. Several reports have emphasized on the increasing death rate of the infected persons having history of heart effects in comparison to the patients having respiratory issues like pneumonia. According the research Chinese centre for disease control and prevention, the death rate of COVID-19 patients having heart diseases was about 10.5% of the total death.

  • Track 6-1COVID-19 Hub

Heart-related problems not always needs a surgery in many cases they can be addressed with lifestyle changes, medications or nonsurgical procedures. Such as catheter ablation uses energy to make small scars in your heart tissue to prevent abnormal electrical signals from moving through your heart. Coronary angioplasty is a commonly used way in which a stent is inserted into a shrink or blocked coronary artery to hold it open. But, heart surgery is often needed to treat problems such as heart failure, plaque build that half or fully blocked blood flow in a coronary artery, faulty heart valves, dilated or diseases major blood vessels and abnormal heart rhythms.

Types of Cardiovascular Surgery:

  • Heart transplant
  • Open-heart surgery
  • Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
  • Modern beating-heart surgery




  • Track 7-1Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention

Neuroradiology is the pathophysiological interaction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. The constant communication between the heart and the brain has proved invaluable to interdisciplinary fields of neurological and cardiac diseases.

The focus of neuroradiology in the diagnosis of neuropathology conditions continues to grow with the growth of modern technology. Cross-sectional imaging, like computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, has improved the diagnostic approach to pathology of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Advanced imaging techniques, for example, functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, and perfusion imaging, provide new valuable information that facilitates diagnosis and monitors response to therapy. Having known with neuroradiology imaging studies and basic neuroimaging patterns is therefore invaluable to the practicing neuropathologist, and the neuroradiologist and  should work together to provide clinically useful information.


  • Track 8-1Chronic Angina

The Department of Paediatric Cardiology is working on diagnosing congenital heart defects, performing diagnostic steps like echocardiograms, cardiac catheterization, and electrophysiology studies, and for the current management of heart disease sequels in infants, children, and adolescents. Many diseases of the heart include myocarditis, Kawasaki disease is a childhood disease that affects the blood vessels. There are also many other pericardial diseases that can show as clinically acute pericarditis, pericardial fusion, cardiac tamponed, and constructive pericarditis. Infectious endocarditis is a form of endocarditis. It is an inflammation of the internal tissues of the heart, mainly inflammatory defect for the Baby's Heart.

  • Track 9-1Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology

Cardio-oncology is a condition of the human heart in humans treated for cancer. Cardiologists assume that either patients are treated for certain types of cancer drugs or other radiation in the chest condition for a potential risk of developing a heart condition. Cardiologists also help chiropractors in patients during treatment by monitoring the condition of the heart closely and finding out the difficulty of heart disease in treatment.

Cardio-oncology may be a advance field in cardiology that aims on the detection, monitoring, and treatment of disorder occurring as a side effect of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cancer treatment modalities may cause cardiac dysfunction, a cause of morbidity and mortality in the oncologic population. It is necessary to periodically monitor cancer patients under treatment, especially those receiving anthracyclines and monoclonal antibody, using most of the times 3D echo cardiography to calculate left ventricular ejection fraction and to estimate myocardial deformation. Additionally, measuring various biomarkers, like natriuretic peptides, could facilitate early identification and appropriate response to potential cardio toxicity. In this regard, cardiological assessment before starting cancer treatment is important and will be continued throughout, since cardiac dysfunction can occur at any time, even several years after therapy onset.

  • Track 10-1Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention
  • Track 10-2Renal disease
  • Track 10-3hypertension

Cardiology is mainly associated with high tech and digital innovations. Digital health is rapid entering clinical practice in cardiology. It is known as a broad umbrella term encompassing e Health, in emerging areas, such as the use of advanced computing sciences in big data, genomics.


  • Track 11-1Coronary CT Angiography
  • Track 11-2Computed Tomography

Cardiac Regeneration is a way to repair damage in heart tissue which cannot be treated by the help of cutting-edge science, which also includes stem cell and cell-free cell therapy. Cardiac regeneration is a wide effort that targets to repair irreversibly damaged heart tissue with cutting-edge science, like stem cell and cell-free therapy. Reparative tools have been created to restore damaged the heart tissue and control by the natural ability of the body to regenerate. Both patients and providers find regenerative ideas that renew and recycle patients own reparative capabilities.

  • Track 12-1Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies
  • Track 12-2Dyslipidemia

Geriatric cardiology is a formation of cardiology and geriatric medicine that works with cardiovascular disorders in the old peoples. Heart disease, like, myocardial infarction, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmias like atrial fibrillation, are common and the leading cause of death in the old people. Vascular disorders like atherosclerosis and peripheral arterial disease express morbidity and mortality in the old people.

Changing given by demographics, patients with cardiovascular (CV) disease in several countries are now older and more complex than previous times. This trend is expected to continue into the expected future likewise, cardiologists in practice are encountering patients with a greater number of comorbid illnesses also “geriatric conditions” like cognitive impairment and frailty which complicate management and influence outcomes. On the other hand, technological advances have widened the therapeutic options available for patients, involving those with the most advanced CV disease.


  • Track 13-1Acute Coronary Syndromes

Heart disease is the condition that affect your heart in different ways. The heart disease includes blood vessel diseases, such as coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems, and congenital heart defects, Rheumatic heart disease, Hypertensive heart disease, Ischemic heart disease, Hypertension and so many other.

Heart failure is a condition in which human heart cannot pump enough blood according to your body need. The term “heart failure” doesn't mean that one's heart is not pumping or is about to stop working or has stopped. However, heart failure consider to be a serious condition which requires medical care, if you have heart failure.

  • Track 14-1Arrhythmia
  • Track 14-2Congenital heart defects.
  • Track 14-3Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 14-4Heart infections

Cardiac Devices are devices that can help circulating a heart that is used to partially or completely to replace the function of a failing heart. The formation of these wireless heart monitors marks a new development in medicine and the transition from healthcare to population levels and to personalized medicine where needed patients are equipped with advanced biosensors which is turn have their data processed by sophisticated prediction algorithms will happen. Pacemakers, defibrillators and biosensors are heart devices which are commonly used to treat heart disease.

  • Track 15-1Electrode
  • Track 15-2Pacemaker

Arrhythmia is popularly known as the irregular heart beat it means that heart beats either slowly or fast with an irregular pattern. The condition when the heart beats faster than the normal, it is called tachycardia arrhythmia, while when the rate of heart beats becomes very slow, which is called as bradycardia. Atrial fibrillation is the most common types of arrhythmia which causes an irregular and rapid beating of heart.

  • Track 16-1Heart infections
  • Track 16-2Heart failure

Cardiovascular disease in women is becoming very critical in many countries like USA and Canada. Statistics indicates that the number of cardiovascular disease especially in women is increasing, while the practice and relevant researches are still in the dark world. Those who are focusing on the unique aspects of cardiovascular health in women and sex-differences as they relate to clinical practice in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of CVD, this cardiology contact will be the best level to perform their works in front of various global professionals.

  • Track 17-1Women’s Cardiology

Nutrition plays very important role in heart care and diabetes. It helps in maintaining a body weight which controls various diseases like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, cholesterol, diabetes, and other endocrine-related diseases. By taking all the nutrients in the proper quantity will help in maintaining a healthy weight. The objective of such nutritional therapies is to reach and retain optimal metabolic outcomes by keeping the blood glucose level closer enough to the normal range as possible. Dietary fiber also play an essential part of the diabetic diet as these moderates how the body digests and helps control blood sugar levels.

Cardiac disorders can be inherited, such as arrhythmias, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, and high blood cholesterol. Disorder like coronary artery disease leading to heart attack, stroke, and heart failure can run in families, showing inherited genetic risk factors.

Genetics can be the risk for heart disease in many ways. Genes control the cardiovascular system in many ways, from the strength of the blood vessels to the way cells in the heart communicate. A genetic mutation in a single gene can affect the chances of developing heart disease.


  • Track 19-1Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 19-2Familial Hypercholesterolemia

The left ventricle contains at least 4 billion cardiomyocytes and the myocyte deficiency in dead tissue encourage cardiovascular breakdown is around a billion cardiomyocytes. For many analysts tending to this insufficiency with a cell-based restorative methodology is profoundly alluring. Interest in immature microorganism intermediate myocardial fix has developed generously and there is fast gathering clinical and preclinical information supporting this methodology.


  • Track 20-1 Stem cell markers
  • Track 20-2 Progenitor Cell
  • Track 20-3Hematopoietic stem cells

Obesity can change human cholesterol levels. We know that obesity can cause a spike in bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but it can also lower good high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol, HDL cholesterol is important for removing unwanted cholesterol and working to reduce the risk for heart disease.

It can cause your blood pressure increase. Obese individuals require larger amount of blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to their bodies which causes an increase in blood pressure, and also require more pressure to move this blood around. High blood pressure is also a cause of heart attack, which are sadly more common for obese individuals.

  • Track 21-1Hypertension
  • Track 21-2Cardiovascular diseases (CVD)

If the sugar or glucose level in the human blood s high then it lead to such a chronic condition called diabetes mellitus DM. High glucose in the blood may also cause eye damage, nerve damage, and kidney damage, loss of sensation in sexual organs (sexual dysfunction). Diabetic person have high chances of various cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, heart attack, heart stroke and shrink arteries which decreases the blood flow through the arteries.  Diabetes is the main cause for cardiovascular diseases, kidney failure, and blindness. Diabetes can also affect other organs and can cause foot ulcers and hearing problems, people with diabetes have hearing impairment commonly.

  • Track 22-1Hypoglycemia
  • Track 22-2Diabetic Neuropathy

Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses a magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to give detailed pictures of the structures within and around the heart. Cardiac MRI helps detect or monitor cardiac disease and to evaluate the heart's condition and function in patients in both ways either heart disease present at birth or heart diseases that develop after birth. Cardiac MRI doesn't use ionizing radiation to produce images, and it may provide the clear images of the heart for certain conditions.

  • Track 23-1Heart tumors
  • Track 23-2Heart valve disease
  • Track 23-3Cardiomyopathy

Molecular cardiology is a new field of cardiovascular medicine that focus to apply molecular biological techniques for the mechanistic investigation, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. As appear discipline, it has changed our thinking of cardiovascular development, disease etiology, and pathophysiology. Although molecular cardiology is still a new topic, it has opened a promising avenue for understanding and controlling cardiovascular disease. With the fast development and application of molecular biological techniques, scientists and clinicians are closer to cure heart diseases that were thought to be incurable 20 year ago.

  • Track 24-1Endothelial function
  • Track 24-2Cardio-Metabolic Disease
  • Track 24-3Atherosclerosis
  • Track 24-4Cardiovascular Gender Medicine

The past many years scientist is generated growing recognition that the immune system makes an important contribution to cardiac functioning. Immune cells invade the heart at gestation and guts in the myocardium, where they participate in essential housekeeping functions throughout life. After myocardial infarction and in response to infection the large numbers of immune cells are conscript to the heart to remove dying tissue, scavenge pathogens and promote healing. Under some circumstances, immune cells can cause damage which cannot be reversed, contributing to heart failure.

  • Track 25-1Innate immunity
  • Track 25-2Heart transplant