Dr. Sriram Seshadri
Institute of Science, Nirma University
He completed his masters from Sardar Patel University in Zoology/Comparative Endocrinology and his doctorate from University of Rajasthan on Male reproductive Physiology. He has more than 15 years of experience in Teaching and 12 years of experience in research. Till date, he has guided five Ph. D. students, one has submitted her thesis and four more are working. He has also guided more than 50 M. Sc. Dissertation thesis and 4 B. Tech thesis. He has published around 54 international papers of repute and 40 conference papers. He has also published three books. He has also successfully completed four research grants from various funding agencies. His current research area of interest includes, understanding the role of gut microbiota in diabetes and liver inflammation. His group has successfully developed an animal model for diet induced diabetes and have established that gut dysbiosis is one of the major causes for the induction and progression on insulin resistance resulting in type 2 diabetes and even obesity. He is also working on isolation, characterization of probiotic strains of gut origin from rats and fishes with the intention identification for its anti-diabetic and as a food preservative and food supplementations. He is also member of the editorial board of many journals and is also member in various journals as a reviewer. Owing to his expertise in bacteriocin isolation and characterization, he has been appointed as the International Grant Reviewer Panel for reviewing grant proposals on Bacteriocin and Probiotic Research of Czech Science Foundation, Czech Republic.
Research Interest